Does collagen make your skin, hair, and nails healthier? In this article, you’ll learn more about the types of collagen and the benefits of type II collagen, and their key role in keeping our skin, hair, and nails healthy. The primary collagen, the most predominant one, is collagen type II.


Defining what Collagen is?

Collagen is a protein that helps connect our skin, bones, and muscles together. It is also what gives our skin its elasticity and resilience.

Now that we know what Collagen is, let’s talk about some of the benefits of incorporating collagen into your beauty routine. Collagen is a great filler for skin, giving it a more full and voluptuous appearance. Collagen also helps improve the appearance of wrinkles, scars, and stretch marks. Additionally, collagen can help firms and tone the skin, giving it a more youthful appearance.

If you’re looking to improve your beauty routine and indulge in some beneficial collagen benefits, be sure to include collagen supplements into your daily routine. With these supplements, you’ll not only improve the appearance of your skin, but you’ll also achieve the benefits of collagen supplementation without any of the negative side effects associated with traditional skin care products

So, the protein that constitutes most of your skin’s dry weight, by 75%, is by far the most abundant protein in your body. The word “collagen” comes from the Greek word “kolla,” which meant glue. Collagen is a matrix or strands or mesh that sticks everything together and helps in the repair, healing of skin, bones, tendons, ligaments, and joints.


Types of Collagen

Next, I’d like to talk about the types of collagen. There are many different types of  collagen – the last I heard… possibly 27 different types!

They are labeled Type  I, II, III

Type I is the most abundant constituting over  90% of all collagen in our bodies. It forms the bone & teeth (of course teeth and bone have got  more minerals to make them solid). It’s the one you find in skin, tendons and ligaments. If you have long hair, you have more Type I collagen because it’s what holds your hair in place! Collagen keeps skin hydrated, prevents wrinkles, and forms scar tissue.

Type II is in ligaments and tendons. It is in our skin, hair, and nails. It’s what helps keep everything together. Its molecules are long, and  twisted around, which makes it really strong. Collagen type II is also elasticated. It stretches and bounces back when pulled.

Type II is the collagen that forms the joint cartilage. It’s what makes the friction between the articular surfaces of the joint.

Type III is in internal organs.

Type IV is in the respiratory tract (lungs), digestive system, and in the intestines.


What is Collagen Type II?

Collagen type II is a type of collagen naturally found in the body. But it depletes as we age. There are many benefits to collagen type II, including that it contains Glucosamine sulphate, which has been shown to help rebuild the cartilage in arthritis joints.

Type II Collagen is a type of protein that helps rebuild and heal body parts. It has no side effects in nature, only its intended effects. Pure collagen only has the positive intended effects on the body; rebuilding body parts. It does not have any side effects on the organs or other systems.

Nature best uses collagen during the alpha phase of sleep, therefore it would be wise to introduce collagen into the body just prior to sleep. In the final analysis, type II collagen has the building blocks for a stronger, leaner body.


What are the Benefits of Collagen Type II?

Collagen Type II may have many beneficial effects when taken on a regular basis, after all, it makes up about 30% of the proteins within our body.

The reported benefits have been known to help:  Boosts Energy Levels Naturally  Aches & Pains  Elasticity of The Skin  Muscle Tissue  Hair & Nails  Plus, our Collagen contains Glucosamine naturally. Did you know most forms of arthritic type pain is usually caused by not enough cartilage in the joints. Doesn’t it make sense to replace it. Collagen is a type of protein and is naturally found in the skin, hair, and nails. It helps to keep these tissues elastic and helps to prevent joint pain and discomfort.

To order Pure-Col collagen, with a Bio-Active Matrix manufactured to the highest standard G.M.P procedure and FDA regulations, all ingredients in Pure-Col are natural and not genetically modified.



Read More: Collagen For The Skin


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